Peppermint and Chamomile Tea

Late one night, as I was settling into my evening relaxation after a full day, I ventured to the tea cabinet to see what herbals we had in the cupboard.  We always have loose chamomile, but that didn't seem to be fitting for the moment, so I peeked on another shelf and saw one of Mini fLee's winter favorite, peppermint tea.  I didn't want to choose one and abandon the other, so I decided to brew them both in the same cup.  One loose, one bagged, mixing merrily.  Since I was both peckish and tired, I wasn't sure if I was just looking for comfort, or if they actually tasted good together.  It was delicious!

Months later, booltox stumbled upon a new tea brand (made in Chicago by Intelligentsia), and they had this tea blend.  They included rosehips, which I thought was a nice touch.

Since I can't drink all the tea I buy, I tend not to purchase loads, thus not going out to shop and focus on crazy blends (booltox has more time for this), I'm no connoisseur.  Have you tried this type of blend?  If not, would you?  And what other blends have you discovered on your own that would seem an odd pairing?  The world of tea is so vast, yet I am only a novice waiting to be molded.

FIRST CHICKIE EGG! And yes, it's a little green.

OMG! Our first chickie egg has been laid!!!  Was it Diamond Sparkle Rainbow Gold, Yolkahontas or maybe Repecca who laid it?  We have a clue, because its pale GREEN!

How do we know? Because certain chicken breeds lay different color eggs.  Let's revisit our breeds:


Americaunas/Easter Eggers: "Diamond", "Repecca", "Rosetta"

Feathers: Reddish brown, grayish, some patterned yellow and blackish (varies greatly)

Feet: Blue/Gray/Green

Egg color: pale blue or green



Golden Laced Wyandotte: "Yolkahontas"

Egg color: brown

Feathers: Black laced with brownish red (golden)

Feet: yellow



More eggs to come! Backyard chickens are the best!


All photos by Queen fLee
Graphic Letter O from Drop Cap series by Jessica Hische

Learning neato printmaking at Spudnik Press

Master James, Still Milly and I attended a Spudnik Press community print making class to learn a few printing tips.  Here are some pics of the screen printing and foam to ink block printing we did. Had loads of fun learning and want to take more classes
"Spudnik Press Cooperative is a non-profit community space providing a forum for printmakers and the creative community of Chicago."