Striped Baking Cups for Sale!

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$ 2.00 USD   |   € 1.50 EUR (approx)   |    £ 1.30 GBP (approx) 

These striped baking cups / muffin or cupcake liners are a must have for your Hallow's eve, Fancy Dress Party or Tea Party!  Each set comes in 25 baking cups (2 dozen + 1 extra cup). Buy several sets for future tea parties or give them to your friends!  Purchasing multiple will also save on shipping costs. 

Note: The images with the blue background are of the actual product, the spider cupcake is a rendition. Depending on the batter used, the baking cups can slightly change color, a typical phenomenon in baking. 

Stripe Color: Black + White Stripes Brown + White Stripes



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For lovers of striped stockings, Alice in Wonderland, goth culture, circus freaks or just plain baking. Perfect for parties: Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, tea parties, fancy dress parties and any occasion that calls for that special flair.

Save on shipping! Add some Absomuffinlutely Stickers or Glitter Pine Cones to your order!

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